
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Good Karma Week

This is stardoll's like a free gift geting , as like a contest :)...
This week we encourage you to do random acts of kindness. Each time you fulfill a task, click on "done" to get a reward. You can do as many good deeds as you wish, but you can only get one reward per day, so come back every day to fill up the Karmameter! Some suggestions of things you can do for good karma:
  • 1.
    Approach someone at school who is lonely or bullied and talk to her/him, for example during the lunch break.
  • 2.
    Help someone (a schoolmate, sibling, stranger) specifically (with homework, carrying groceries...)
  • 3.
    Call someone you haven't talked to in a long time (friend, grandma...)
  • 4.
    Cook dinner for the family or vacuum the house.
  • 5.
    Have a positive attitude all day. Smile and be polite!
  • 6.
    Make up with someone you had a fall out with. Say you are sorry, forgive them.
  • 7.
    Clean your closet! Give a book, toy, piece of clothing to charity or to a specific person.

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